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Teach First Danmark

Teach First Denmark is a non-profit association founded in 2013 We work to give children in Denmark the opportunity to get an education, regardless of social background. We do this by engaging even more skilled teachers for the primary schools and students who need them the most. Our two-year program is a career in elementary school and in education. It is a community for people who want to contribute to strengthening the future opportunities for all children in Denmark. We work closely with primary schools, vocational colleges, municipalities and foundations. We are independent of political, economic and religious interests and are financed by foundation funds for non-profit purposes. A society where no children and young people are excluded from the communities Teach First Denmark works for a society where all children and young people have the opportunity to develop their full potential, for the benefit of themselves and the community. We mobilize civil society in the belief that positive change is created by engaging and uniting people who want to be something for someone and who want to contribute to the community. We are present where the need is greatest, and we always have the children's interests at the center of what we do. We emphasize building our activities around a broad collaboration, because we are never the whole solution, and because together we can see more nuances and create greater changes. More skilled teachers at primary schools with a large proportion of vulnerable pupils A program that attracts the brightest and most motivated university candidates with the talent to motivate and learn from them in primary school. A thorough selection of candidates who have the potential to become skilled teachers and who, in the long term, can also create solutions in a career outside primary school. More professionally skilled and well-connected teachers, not least in vulnerable residential areas. A strong community and network of graduates who support and inspire each other. A steep learning curve through a close link between theory and practice and feedback from a teaching mentor.

GirlTalk is responding to poor mental health among girls. At GirlTalk, we work towards preventing poor mental health and increasing well-being among young girls who are not thriving. This is the reason why GirlTalk established in 2004 an Online Youth Counseling service (Ungeradgivning), where girls from the ages of 12 to 24 can have someone to talk to and receive help and counseling via chat or SMS. Since then, GirlTalk has developed a number of focus areas which are central in carrying out GirlTalk's mission, including our group-based projects EmpowR and Sisterhood. These efforts demonstrate how creating strong communities among girls serves to bind them together in a confidential setting, providing them with a safe haven in which they are empowered through better mental health, a positive self-image and improved social and coping skills.

Stichting Women Win

Women Win's vision is that of a world in which every adolescent girl and young woman fully exercises her rights. Our mission is to advance the playing field that empowers girls through sport and play. Women Win is the global leader in girls and women's empowerment through sport. We leverage the power of play to help adolescent girls and young women build leadership skills and become better equipped to exercise their rights. Since 2007, we have impacted the lives of 2,822,400 adolescent girls and young women directly and indirectly in over 100 countries. This is possible thanks to collaborations with a wide variety of grassroots women's organisations, companies, development organisations, sports bodies and government agencies. Women Win currently supports initiatives in Asia, Africa, Middle East, North and South America. Our work is focused on empowering girls and young women through sport, emphasising the prevention of gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and economic empowerment. In practice this involves developing high quality specialised tools and curricula; delivering training and capacity building workshops; monitoring and evaluation tools and systems development; and providing strategic and programmatic support. Women Win invests in and manages a diverse portfolio of global partners with approximately 1.5 million euros of direct funding granted annually.


UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights, and building a better future for people forced to flee their homes because of conflict and persecution. We lead international action to protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities, and stateless people.

Women Deliver

Women Deliver is a leading global advocate that champions gender equality and the health and rights of girls and women. Our advocacy drives investment—political and financial— in the lives of girls and women. We harness evidence and unite diverse voices to spark commitment to gender equality. And we get results. Anchored in sexual and reproductive health, we advocate for the rights of girls and women across every aspect of their lives.

Save the Children

To Relieve The Distress And To Promote The Welfare Of Children In Any Country Or Countries, Without Differentiation On The Ground Of Race, Colour, Nationality, Creed Or Sex To Educate The Public Concerning The Nature, Causes And Effects Of Distress, And Want Of Welfare As Aforesaid, And To Conduct And Procure Research Concerning The Same And To Make Available The Useful Results Thereof.

Board of European Students of Technology

Board of European Students of Technology is a non-profit and non-political organisation that since 1989 strives to improve communication, cooperation and exchange opportunities for European students. The mission of BEST is to help students achieve an international mindset, reach a better understanding of cultures and societies and develop the capacity to work in culturally diverse environments. To achieve this mission BEST offers high quality services to technology students all over Europe. These services include a European engineering competition, academic courses, career events and events on educational involvement. BEST offers these events in 96 European Universities, spread among 34 countries, reaching over one million students, with the help of 3300 members. It is BEST's mission to provide complementary, non-formal education in every event that it organises. This to make sure that the students that are reached grow to their full potential before they enter the job market. It is essential for BEST to show students the value of complementary education, not only to widen their perspective on the technology topics covered in their studies, but also to teach them the needed soft skills. To begin, these soft skills are covered in BEST's events by bringing students together with its two other stakeholders, universities and companies, and letting them dialog. Secondly, BEST provides specific training sessions to teach students how to acquire these skills in a safe and stimulating environment among peers. Lastly, this is done not only towards outside students, but also towards BEST's own members. By letting them organise events after they had a thorough knowledge transfer and did some in-depth training sessions, they acquire a lot of hands-on experience that makes them valued assets on the job market. In all this soft skill acquirement, there is one thing that makes BEST special: everything happens in a culturally diverse environment. BEST's volunteers really learn how to cooperate with project members from all over Europe and also the outside students are introduced to a specific mindset that BEST likes to call 'the BEST spirit'. This means that everyone works together, respecting each other's backgrounds, to achieve a common goal: empower students and give them a voice in today's society. For this donation campaign BEST would focus on the educational involvement that it stimulates among European students. It is namely very unique that an organisation run by students offers their peers a voice by collecting data in surveys and events and presenting that data to the relevant authorities. BEST, therefore, attends a lot of conferences about education to be able to share our outcomes to the fullest. We hope to raise some donations in this campaign to be able to carry out next year's planning around the theme of Digital Literacy. This theme focuses on how prepared students and universities are for the upcoming digitisation wave. It raises the question of how we will learn and teach digital skills and how industry 4.0 will make its way into our education. For this program BEST invests in conducting surveys, doing symposia on education and writing scientific papers with the purpose of disseminating the outcomes. It is not the first time that BEST is going to conduct such an Educational Involvement Programme. Last year, for example, the theme was 'Diversity in STEM education' and the years before we covered topics such as pedagogical skills, new teaching methods, relation between university and industry, etc. So what were the steps BEST undertook to create all the materials around last year's topic? First, a team was created to do research on existing literature about 'Diversity in (STEM) education'. Based on that research a survey was created in which 4 diversity types were tackled: cultural diversity, ethnic diversity, gender diversity and students with disabilities. Then, after the answers of the survey were gathered and analysed, the subtopics for the BEST Symposia on Education were identified: in this case, each symposium had a different diversity type. The same team that worked on the content creation of the symposia also prepared and delivered the sessions of those symposia. After the events, the input of all the participating students is gathered in a scientific report, which is then either published in conferences, or disseminated through social media and newsletters. The approach used last year proved to be a successful one and will be repeated in this year's Educational Involvement Programme. If we manage to get more funds via Global Giving, this will mean that we can elaborate this process and spend more resources on content creation, promotion of the surveys and dissemination of our results. In short: we will be able to make a lot more noise in the educational world.

Global Changemakers Association

Global Changemakers works to an unshakable mission of supporting young people to create a positive change towards a more just, fair and sustainable world. We do this through skills development, capacity building, mentoring and grants.

International Judo Federation

To spread the values of Judo throughout the world and inspire generations for a healthy life based on solid moral principles, to offer guidance and leadership for its stakeholders while preserving the integrity of the sport and of the athletes, as well as all its members and to organize entertaining events for fans

Fundacja Tech To The Rescue

We exist to empower changemakers with technology

Ditch The Label

Research Education Interventions Counselling Support Campaigning Training Programs & Systems Creative Content Creation Consultations on Equality and Diversity

Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V.

DUH is an independent and non-profit environmental and consumer protection organization. We decisively drive social transformation for people, nature, the environment and the climate in Germany and the EU. We are ambitious and solution-oriented. We fight for what is best possible and help define red lines behind which we cannot fall in the interest of the environment and people. We do not demand the impossible, but are never satisfied with sham solutions or unsustainable compromises. We build networks. We seek dialogue and broad cooperation with actors from civil society, science, business and politics who, like us, are seriously interested in real solutions and are willing to move forward - first and foremost with our partners in the environmental movement. We are ready for unconventional alliances - but always on the premise that this will enable the transformation to succeed faster and better. We are persistent. We stay on issues until we have pushed through a real solution. We don't let powerful opponents intimidate us or distract us from our goal. We rely on information and education, on cooperation with actors willing to compromise, and on participation in political processes. Where necessary, we do not hesitate to confront others in order to enforce existing laws and to achieve social, legal or political changes through public or legal pressure. Our work is always transparent and fact-based. We develop the greatest possible expertise in the topics we work on and contribute to the factual basis through our own surveys and data analyses. We always translate the data into social, political or legal concrete and clear demands for ambitious, feasible solutions. We act with commitment, quickly and constantly evolve. This applies to us as an organization as well as to our substantive work. We develop new topics on the urgent problems of our time and on the basis of our existing strengths.