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Displaying 37–48 of 52

Natuurpunt Beheer vzw

Natuurpunt is a public-interest organisation which defends nature and biodiversity in Flanders and the rights of all people to have access to nature . We strive to protect open spaces and the quality of the environment. Our objective is to safeguard the landscape and the natural heritage within it. Natuurpunt brings together those citizens who wish to contribute to this social mission, independent of any political or other beliefs. We motivate and support our members to actively be involved in this at local, regional and provincial level. Natuurpunt wishes to act as leverage for social change based on sustainable development. We strive to raise public awareness and to establish a broader base for the preservation and development of nature. In Flanders, we are taking the lead in everything relating to nature, biodiversity and quality of the landscape and this in an international context. Where possible, we work together with both public and private partners. We make our voice heard to encourage public authorities and other stakeholderss to achieve results.

Pegode vzw

Pegode is a network of permanently linked projects. These projects provide customized support to persons with disabilities. At Pegode the client has control over his own life. Pegode support with questions about all areas of life, actively participates in an inclusive society and investing in expertise, creativity and commitment of its employees.

PTC Rustenbrug

We offer (semi-)residential and outpatient psychiatric and psychotherapeutic care. We believe in an approach that looks at the total person and from there helping people to grow and develop to come to a harmonious relationship with oneself and one's own environment. We do this driven by values contained in our guideline Standing still is moving forward This is not a contradiction, but a necessity for us as reflection and internalization aimed at the future.

International Judo Federation

To spread the values of Judo throughout the world and inspire generations for a healthy life based on solid moral principles, to offer guidance and leadership for its stakeholders while preserving the integrity of the sport and of the athletes, as well as all its members and to organize entertaining events for fans

Alliance Publishing Trust

Alliance aims to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas among philanthropists, social investors and others working for social change worldwide in order to maximize the impact of funding for social development.

Fundacja Tech To The Rescue

We exist to empower changemakers with technology

Ditch The Label

Research Education Interventions Counselling Support Campaigning Training Programs & Systems Creative Content Creation Consultations on Equality and Diversity


cette association a pour objet, tant en France qu'a l'etranger : -ameliorer la qualite de vie a l'hopital afin d'eviter et de lutter contre les problemes inherents a l'hospitalisation des enfants et adolescents : desocialisation et marginalation. -La rencontre avec des personnalites du monde des arts et du spectacle comme autant d'ouverture sur l'exterieur et possibilites de restaurer les outils de la communication entre les adultes et les enfants et adolescents hospitalises. -L'association permet de creer un lien entre les jeunes patients et l' etablissement hospitalier lieu souvent traumatisant lie a la maladie et/ou a la souffrance