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Utah Nonprofit Housing Corporation (UNPHC), founded in 1967, is a Utah non-profit developer of multi-family affordable housing. Staffed by volunteers until 1993, there are now almost 50 employees. UNPHC has 40 properties providing more than 1,800 units to over 2,000 individuals. In addition, UNPHC provides the property management to several of these projects, as well as technical assistance to other non profit organizations and communities wanting to develop their own affordable housing. Those we serve are low and very low income, making less than 50% of the area median income. The majority of properties serve seniors 62 and older, but UNPHC also serves special needs populations such as physically disabled, families, chronically mentally ill, homeless, families and individuals in transition from homelessness, and HIV/AIDS persons. We own 20 single-family rent-to-own homes, and a 24-unit town home project for first-time home buyers. The most basic human needs are shelter and food. If those needs are not met, individuals are excluded from other significant human interactions: employment, parenting, and social contributions. UNPHC is committed to the belief that the long-term solution to homelessness is safe, decent, and affordable housing.
Ignite stands with youth on their journey to a home and a future with promise.
B'nai B'rith is an international Jewish organization committed to the security and continuity of the Jewish people, defending human rights, combating anti-Semitism, bigotry and ignorance, and providing service to the community on the broadest principles of humanity.
Mission: Building new lives for America's homeless families and individuals through housing and community outreach.
The underlying premise of Bean's Cafe is a deep belief in the inherent dignity of every person, a belief that people will respond with kindness when treated kindly, with trust when trusted, and respectfully when respected. Our aim is not to set up a value system - determining what is right or wrong - or a way of life for persons, but to allow them to form their own. In this situation a person is not acting in a special way, and their eventual response is free, lasting, and more fully themselves.
Our mission is to provide food for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, rest for the weary and hope, love and faith to those seeking a different way of life. Our goal is to present this opportunity to every man and women seeking a better life through the Rescue Mission with the tools they need to succeed and to be prepared for whatever their futures bring, free of addictions and abuse.
New Door Ventures helps at-risk youth get ready for work and life through jobs, skill-building and supportive community. We serve youth, ages 16-21, overcoming histories of incarceration, homelessness, substance abuse, and poverty. We provide the real jobs and deep support that enable youth to identify goals, learn healthy behaviors, and become contributing members of society. New Door invests with the goal that 80%+ of its graduates will go on to further education and/or mainstream jobs.
The Fuller Center for Housing, faith-driven and Christ-centered, promotes collaborative and innovative partnerships with individuals and organizations in an unrelenting quest to provide safe and affordable housing for all people in need worldwide.
To provide housing and support services for people living with HIV/AIDS and advocate on their behalf.
Neighborhood Housing Services of Los Angeles County (NHS) serves as a catalyst for local residents, business and government representatives to work together to build stronger neighborhoods, improve the quality of life for families of modest means and to revitalize communities into neighborhoods of choice. NHS strengthens communities through the development and maintenance of quality affordable housing, creation and preservation of affordable homeownership opportunities, support of local leaders, providing financial education and increasing the financial independence of families and people in need
Doing Business as: Youth Emerging Stronger Resilient, self-assured and hopeful youth, free from a life of homelessness and achieving a positive, fulfilling future.
CitySquare exists to fight the causes and effects of poverty through service, advocacy, and friendship. Working together as a community, we feed the hungry, heal the sick, house the homeless and renew hope in the heart of our city.