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The mission of the Franklin Food Bank is to enhance the quality of life for Franklin Township residents in need by providing food assistance in an atmosphere of dignity and respect
The William James Association promotes work service in the arts, environment, education, and community development.
Involving the community in developing, mentoring and feeding kids with passion, dedication and care.
Mission: San Diego Hunger Coalition leads coordinated action to end hunger in San Diego County. We do this through research, education and advocacy. Vision: Our vision is that everyone in San Diego County has enough food for an active, healthy life. Goals The San Diego Hunger Coalition leads coordinated action to: 1. Build a more effective and interconnected system of food assistance resources. 2. Enable low-income individuals and families to purchase more healthy food by increasing participation in CalFresh, a monthly supplement to a household’s food budget. 3. Ensure all children have year-round access to healthy food by expanding school meals and other federal child nutrition programs. 4. Advocate for legislative and administrative policies that reduce hunger and increase access to healthy food.
Founded in 2016, the mission of Barriguitas is to provide food (dinners) to poor children in Venezuela.
The mission of the Association for the Children of Regnier Haiti, Inc. (ACR) is to provide comprehensive services designed to meet the emotional, physical, educational and social needs of the children of Regnier in Cayes, Haiti, hence, promoting self-sufficiency.
Our mission is to combat the hunger crisis in our region by strategically procuring and distributing nutritious food through community partners because no one should go hungry.
Athletes C.A.R.E. is a growing organization of like-minded athletes, who provide unique, athletics-related service opportunities that support residents of communities in need. The mission of Athletes C.A.R.E. is to use athletics to make a lasting impact on the lives of others. We provide assistance and support to the needy, hungry, and homeless. Athletes C.A.R.E., a 501c3 nonprofit organization, is a network of young people at colleges across the country who turn their passion and energy as student-athletes into positive change in the communities in which they live, bettering the lives of others. We are young people “Creating Abundant Relief Effort.” We are Athletes C.A.R.E.
Founded in 2016, Cul2vate grows and delivers nutritional community-grown produce to feed the local hungry. We work to fight the incidence of food deserts in Middle Tennessee by donating high quality, fresh vegetables to those in need. Additionally, Cul2vate offers those in need of a second chance in the form of discipleship, life skills and job readiness training. We call these individuals "Cul2vators" as they are cultivating new life in the crops they nurture and within their own lives. While feeding the hungry in body and spirit is our focus, we also redeem underutilized land while fostering volunteerism and increasing agricultural awareness.
The Building Blocks of NJ is a tax exempt non- profit organization that provides support and relief in a distinguished manner regardless of gender, race, or religion. We work to empower individuals and families through a broad continuum in their community to overcome challenges and meet the communities values and needs.
Amigos de Jesús is a home and bilingual school for children in Honduras that has cared for hundreds of children who have suffered the indignities of abuse, neglect, homelessness and hunger in one of the hemisphere’s poorest countries. Amigos de Jesús is a permanent safe haven with shelter, food and education for over 120 children. Amigos de Jesús aims to walk alongside our children from the time they arrive, afraid and traumatized, until the time that they are ready to move out into the world as adults prepared for responsibility and citizenship within their country of origin.
We partner with you to make lives better serving the whole person providing free medical, dental, food, and behavioral health care; in Jesus' name.