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Sun.Risas' mission is to educate a new generation of volunteers to be the leaders of tomorrow by learning through hands-on experiences; human beings capable of making a positive impact and change the future of those in need.
VIDA is a non-profit organization providing dual service to both Latin America and Northern California by collecting surplus medical supplies and equipment from health institutions, diverting them from landfills, and shipping them to Latin American hospitals and clinics that rely on such donations for the provision of basic health care.
International Orphan Care (IOC) provides education, financial support, food assistance, medical care, and resettlement services to orphans, children from impoverished families, refugees, and other vulnerable populations. Our mission is to uplift lives, break the cycle of poverty, and empower individuals to create a better future. International Orphan Care (IOC) is committed to implementing its mission and goals by providing a range of vital services. Our organization focuses on the following key areas: 1. Education: We offer vocational and academic education to orphans, children from poor families, internally displaced families, and refugee families. By empowering these individuals through education, we strive to break the cycle of poverty and provide them with opportunities for a brighter future. 2. Financial Support: IOC provides monthly financial assistance to widows with children and desperately poor families. This support aims to discourage child labor and encourage children's attendance in school, ensuring they have access to essential resources and can focus on their education. 3. Food Distribution: We operate food distribution programs that cater to families without the means to purchase food. By ensuring access to nutritious meals, we alleviate hunger and contribute to the overall well-being of vulnerable populations. 4. Medical Care: IOC offers medical care to orphans and children from impoverished families who lack the resources to afford necessary healthcare services and medicine. Our goal is to improve their health outcomes and provide them with the care they need to thrive. 5. Resettlement Services: We provide essential resettlement services for at-risk refugees, enabling them to safely immigrate to countries where they can find security, attend school, and build productive lives as valuable members of their new communities. 6. Collaboration: IOC actively collaborates with other organizations that share similar goals. By forming partnerships and engaging in Fiscal Sponsorship Agreements, we strengthen our collective impact and amplify our efforts to support vulnerable populations worldwide.
Overseas Volunteer for a Better India (OVBI) launched in May 2013, is driven by a group of inspired NRIS ready to support initiatives in India and tackle issues the Indian community faces in the U.S. Our movement’s roots are grounded in the Volunteer for a Better India (VBI) movement. On February 3rd, 2013 more than 100,000 concerned citizens united at Ramlila Maidan in New Delhi in response to rampant corruption, violence towards women, suicides and water shortages. On that day, in unison the group pledged to give 1 hour a day for the nation and to inspire millions of others to do so. And volunteer for a better India was born. OVBI is the overseas arm of Volunteer for Better India. We believe that every individual can make a meaningful impact and play a role in the betterment of the global Indian community. Together we can transform the world in a way that would make great leaders like Mahatma Ghandhi proud. We invite you to get involved.
PAACS’ mission is to glorify God by training and discipling African surgeons and related specialists to become Christ-like leaders and servants providing excellent and compassionate care to those most in need.
Eleos Healing Global Mission is dedicated to proclaim the gospel and make disciples of Jesus Christ, to give medical care to the sick, and to be a testimony of God's love among the suffering and needy people in rural areas around the world by meeting their physical needs through medical-dental short-term missions; and in Washington, DC metropolitan area through health education, health fairs, food pantries and a bible outreach in Spanish. "Eleos" is a new testament Greek word, meaning compassion or mercy. In one example, the bible uses this word when Jesus was talking about the good samaritan (Luke 10:36-37 NIV): "which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?" The expert in the law replied, "the one who had mercy [Eleos] on him. "Jesus told him, "go and do likewise. " Each year we have sent teams of volunteers on short-term medical missions. Under his blessings, we have treated people of all ages, races and religions with over 4100 patients and preached the gospel to over 9000 people, in Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Haiti, Mexico, Peru and El Salvador.
OneSky partners with governments and communities in Asia to provide responsive care and safe learning environments so that marginalized young children can thrive. We began our work in China in 1998 as Half the Sky. Our goal, from the start, was to bring love and responsive care to infants living in child welfare institutions across the country. With a team of early childhood development experts, we set about training caregivers to ensure the youngest and most vulnerable received the best possible start to life. In 2011, the Chinese government invited OneSky to train every child welfare worker in the country. This groundbreaking partnership has transformed the standard of care and directly reached over 200,000 children in China’s 31 provinces. Recognizing that the needs of young children are universal, today, we train professional child caregivers and parents across Asia with internationally recognized training methods and curricula, while partnering with governments to help them transform systems of care. Since 1998 across China, Vietnam and Mongolia and Hong Kong SAR, OneSky has trained 113,548 caregivers and impacted 377,035 children, with a goal to reach 1,000,000 children by our 30th Anniversary in 2028.
Help Ukrainians defend themselves. Providing supplies and support to everyday people fighting on the frontlines of Ukraine
Develop Africa strategically empowers lives in Africa by providing educational opportunities and strengthening self-reliance so that individuals, families, and communities can create positive change in their own lives. We provide school supplies, scholarships, solar lights (so kids can study at night), mosquito nets (to keep children safe from malaria), computer/vocational training etc. We additionally provide microfinance loans, orphan care, and disaster relief. This helps them become self-sufficient and rise above the poverty line. When individuals and families are strengthened, they can contribute towards community, national and international progress.
HELP's mission is to create, through merit- and needs-based university scholarships, a community of young professionals and leaders who will promote a more just society in Haiti.
To empower community-members with the resources they need to thrive while building community, fostering connection and inspiring a lifestyle of service. We serve individuals and families in Petaluma, California and rural parts of the Dominican Republic.
Vision: In America Solidaria, we envision a continent where all children and adolescents have what they need to grow, learn, and fulfill their potential. We see it as our shared responsibility as citizens of this region to make this vision a reality by mobilizing a network of highly skilled fellows. Mission: Mission America Solidaria promotes regional development throughout the Americas, strengthening local initiatives through year-long service projects in nonprofit organizations working to alleviate youth poverty through a focus on education, health, and/or economic empowerment. Our projects create lasting change by influencing public opinion and policy and helping shape future professionals, increasing the standard of living and supporting growth in the region.