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Terre Des Hommes Netherlands

Terre des Hommes Netherlands (TDH NL) prevents child exploitation by removing children from exploitative situations and ensuring they can develop themselves in a safe environment.

Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa Foundation

Vision "To love and enable youth through hope and opportunity" * Mission To enable youths through holistic youth development programs where education and access to finances converge to enable sustainable independence To implement an inclusive and innovative approach that brings clear results and measurable impact. To inspire and enable other like-minded organisations by fostering public - private partnership


femLENS' mission is to visually educate and make technologically aware the most vulnerable and resourceless women of our society through documentary photography made accessible by mobile phone cameras and cheaper point and shoot cameras.

Habitat International Coalition

The Habitat International Coalition (HIC) is the global network for rights related to habitat. Through solidarity, networking and support for social movements and organizations, HIC struggles for social justice, gender equality, and environmental sustainability, and works in the defense, promotion and realization of human rights related to housing and land in both rural and urban areas.

Bali Life Foundation

Yayasan Bukit Kehidupan Ungasan/Bali Life Foundation is a small charity with a big heart. It exists to provide hope and a future to the underprivileged women and children of Bali. Vision "Giving HOPE, PURPOSE and DIGNITY to the unprivileged children and women." Mission Providing basic needs to the unprivileged children and women - Hope Teaching good moral and values. - Dignity Training & giving skills for the future. - Purpose

International Centre for Research in Agroforestry

To harness the multiple benefits trees provide for agriculture, livelihoods, resilience and the future of our planet, from farmers' fields through to continental scales.

Smart Villages Foundation

Can remote villages have the same opportunities as urban centres? Can rural residents have access to careers, clean water, healthcare, education, productive agriculture and communication-without leaving their villages? Smart Villages believes that people in remote villages deserve the same opportunities as everyone else. Remote villages are often "off the grid" and do not have a reliable supply of energy for lighting homes, cooking, charging mobile phones, or powering businesses. The energy sources they do have, such as kerosene lamps, are often harmful to their health. The national grid may never reach many of these remote villages, but other solutions exist. We believe that energy access in off-grid communities is one of the services that can change lives-but only if it is implemented for the long-term and includes community involvement and training. And for development to happen sustainably, energy and other technologies must be harnessed for productive use, and for the innovative provision of community-level services (for example health and education), so that community residents are able to access all the basic services they need, despite their physical remoteness. Every village can be a "smart village." Smart Villages has provided policy makers, donors and development agencies concerned with rural energy access with new insights on the real barriers to energy access and innovation-driven rural development in villages in developing countries - technological, financial and political - and how they can be overcome. We are focusing more on remote off-grid villages, where local solutions (home- or institution-based systems, and mini-grids) are both more realistic and cheaper than national grid extension. But our approach is equally valid in other situations. Our concern is to ensure that energy access goes hand in hand with smarter, more integrated thinking about rural communities, and results in development and the creation of 'smart villages' in which many of the benefits of life in modern societies are available. In our ongoing work, we aim to demonstrate how Smart Villages and integrated rural development initiatives can be created in a sustainable and community-driven manner, and to evidence how this new holistic rural development paradigm can yield superior, lasting development impacts. We are also committed to investigating innovative technologies that can help deliver some of these integrated development objectives - for example innovative agricultural technology, cold storage, ICT access, remote education and telemedicine. We aim to win grant funding, and raise charitable funding, to implement projects to help catalyse sustainable community-led and focussed rural development worldwide, but particularly in Africa, where we already have a number of active projects.

Yayasan Bumi Sehat, Ds. PKR Nyuh Kuning

We operate four Community Health and Education and Childbirth Centers within Indonesia, and one in the Philippines, as well as mobile Disaster Relief Birth and Health Services. At our clinics, we offer a comprehensive range of allopathic and holistic medical care, including pre and post-natal care, breastfeeding support, infant, child and family health services, nutritional education, pre-natal yoga and gentle, loving natural birth services. Each baby's capacity to love and trust is built at birth and in the first two hours of life. By protecting pregnancy, birth, postpartum and breastfeeding, we are advocating for optimal humanity, health, intelligence and consciousness. We believe that each individual is an essential societal component of peace. By caring for the smallest citizens of Earth - babies at birth - we are building peace: one mother, one child, one family at a time. Our mission is to improve the quality of life and encourage peace. We also offer a scholarship program each year for nursing and midwifery students from poor families who cannot afford training. In addition, we have a Youth Center where local teenagers study permaculture, English and computing skills to help them improve their job prospects.

Born Free Foundation

Born Free's mission is to keep wildlife in the wild. We work tirelessly to ensure that all wild animals, whether living in captivity or in the wild, are treated with compassion and respect and are able to live their lives according to their needs. As a leading wildlife charity, we oppose the exploitation of wild animals in captivity and campaign to keep them where they belong - in the wild. We promote Compassionate Conservation to enhance the survival of threatened species in the wild and protect natural habitats while respecting the needs and safeguarding the welfare of individual animals. We seek to have a positive impact on animals in the wild and protect their ecosystems in perpetuity, for their own intrinsic value and for the critical roles they play within the natural world. Our consistent motivation and aim since 1984 has been to protect wild animals, whether free living or in captivity. We are dedicated to the wellbeing of animals and humans, recognising that achieving co-existence is vital for the continuation of life on earth. It takes courage and determination to promote the well-being of wild animals who are unable to speak for themselves. Challenging individuals and organisations who stand in the way of improving outcomes for wild animals, local communities and the environment, is not always easy or straightforward. We actively engage in projects that address conservation, welfare, education and policy. Conservation Born Free is committed to our global conservation projects, supporting a vast array of species from lions to elephants, gorillas and tigers, wolves and bears, to name just a few. All of these wild animals face their own particular threats and challenges which we approach according to specific need. This may include addressing habitat loss and degradation, poaching, exploitation and the wildlife trade, conflict, policy failure, or other social pressures. Field conservation only ever has a meaningful impact if it is implemented over the long-term. Conservation often needs to take place in complex socio-political environments, where threats are constantly evolving, changing or increasing in magnitude. Born Free has a distinct track record of sustainable, long-term delivery. We have been supporting Ethiopian wolf conservation for a quarter of a century, protecting tigers in India for seventeen years, and addressing human-lion conflict mitigation in Kenya for over a decade. Welfare Building on over three decades of experience, Born Free's animal welfare programme continues to expose captive wild animal suffering that occurs in circuses, menageries and to animals kept as 'pets' by private individuals. Whenever possible, our expert teams rescue, rehabilitate and provide lifetime care for wild animals who have been treated cruelly or captured illegally. Our ability and capacity to rescue animals, however, is all too often determined by the resources available. Long-term, sustainable investment into our animal rescue and sanctuary programmes means we can help more animals. Education Local communities, far from being part of the problem, are, in fact, part of the solution. Born Free works with local communities to develop trust and strong working relationships through co-operation, commitment and understanding. Our investment in these relationships is vital for a future which embraces human-wildlife co-existence. Our education programmes are popular but currently limited by capacity. We are always seeking to reach more children and communities, and provide extensive educational and life-skills resources, throughout the areas in which we operate. Even small investments in education can have dramatic and lasting results and we would be delighted to talk about how you can support education, community empowerment and social change. Wildlife Policy Born Free's wildlife policy operates at the highest levels, influencing national governments, regional associations and global entities such as the UN. Our work involves detailed research, representation and advocacy at decision-making conferences that set the international framework for the ongoing relationship between humanity, nature and the environment. . This is international work at the top table, where our vision and experience can make a real contribution. The human resources and collateral necessary to influence policy and legislation must match our ambition for a more sustainable, more compassionate, more inclusive world where people and wildlife can coexist. Achieving Long Term Sustainable Results Since our establishment in 1984, we have achieved and continue to develop long-term, sustainable conservation, education, wild animal welfare and wildlife policy projects. Some examples of our achievements to date include: The building of over 300 predator-proof bomas ,night time stockades, in Amboseli, Kenya, which have reduced conflict and contributed to the growth of the lion population from 50 individuals in 2010 to over 200 today. Over 20 years' support for the Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme, whose long-term protection and monitoring programme has been vital in sustaining the 500 wild individuals that represent the most endangered canid in the world. The Satpuda Landscape Tiger Partnership brings together seven conservation organisations across central India, and works to protect wild tigers and promote co-existence. Tiger numbers in central India have increased by almost 70% in the last five years through the painstaking work of such conservation organisations. An expanding UK education programme including Creative Nature, our bi-annual publication Hear the Roar, school outreach, curriculum-driven teaching materials, conservation clubs, and the nationwide Great Debate. Since 2014, a growing international education initiative, which now works with numerous schools in many African countries to deliver activities and extra-curricular clubs, introducing over 49,000 young people and rural community members to the wealth of natural wildlife around them and inspiring the conservationists of the future. The Raise the Red Flag campaign, highlighting and exposing the suffering endured by so many wild animals in captivity, has received 35,000 public reports in 20 years. Now sponsored by BA Holidays, the interactive campaign encourages the reporting of wild animal cruelty throughout the world to increase awareness and to enable us to campaign for tougher laws and legal protections. The lifetime care in Born Free operated or supported sanctuaries of 95 rescued lions, leopards, cheetah and tigers along with countless other carnivores, primates, birds, reptiles and ungulates, offering each one the best possible care in a natural environment. Serving as the UK's zoo watchdog for more than 35 years, exposing the exploitation and poor standards that compromise the welfare of wild animals in captivity, and leading efforts to end the use of wild animals in travelling circuses across the UK. Persistent influencing of international and national legislation and policy. Outcomes include an increase of international legal protection for many species, the introduction of EU Zoos Directive, the ending of the keeping of dolphins in captivity in the UK, the banning of wild animals in circuses in several jurisdictions, the introduction of the UK Ivory Act, and the global ban on the international ivory trade, to name a few. Ongoing and effective campaigns to end cruel and unsustainable wildlife exploitation by trophy hunters, poachers and traffickers, and governments. Born Free is driven by world-class professionals. Our staff are highly-qualified and experienced in conservation, welfare, policy and education. Our team leaders include Dr Nikki Tagg (Conservation), Dr Chris Draper (Head of Animal Welfare & Captivity), Laura Gosset MSc (Head of Education) and Dr Mark Jones (Head of Policy). We have the invaluable support of our Chief Scientist Professor Claudio Sillero and of our special advisor Dr Cheryl Mvula MBE, to name just a few. Based on decades of experience, our teams are able recognise which interventions should be prioritised for greatest impact and who to work with to achieve sustainable success. They and their teams, are supported by robust monitoring, evaluation and management systems. Our Executive President, Will Travers, has built up an unparalleled network of contacts over more than three decades at Born Free. The Foundation is guided by a Board of Directors who contribute their time and expertise from a range of disciplines including law, finance, animal advocacy, public speaking, media, business, personal development and executive recruitment. Population expansion, global industrialisation, land conversion and infrastructure development; along with pollution, climate change, over-exploitation, and conflict with people, mean wild animal populations are increasingly under threat. A million species are now believed to be threatened with extinction. Born Free is committed to addressing the well-being of all wild animals and with best practice, compassion and integrity we will endeavour to keep wildlife in the wild.

Yayasan Tunas Aksara

We work for a future where all of Indonesia's children have the chance to learn to read, and to love reading. We do this by equipping pre-school and early-primary teachers to teach literacy effectively, so that the children they teach learn to read with fluency, understanding and enjoyment. We provide our partners with three things: A field-tested Indonesian-language literacy curriculum that is effective, engaging, and easy to use; High quality, culturally relevant reading books and learning materials designed to support children as they learn to read; Teacher training and mentoring that produces effective teachers of literacy who are able to share a love of reading and learning, and to care for the children they teach.

Taghyeer Organization - We Love Reading

Taghyeer Organization/ We Love Reading Program is an innovative model that provides a practical, cost efficient, sustainable, grassroots approach empowering communities from low and mid income communities around the world to create changemakers through reading. WLR supports the activism of local volunteers to increase reading levels among children 2-10 by focusing on the readaloud experience to instill the love of reading for pleasure among children to become lifelong learners. We aim to create system change. We create changemakers by recruiting and training adults and youth from local communities to provide read-aloud sessions for local children in safe, public spaces. Each year, WLR volunteers read to tens of thousands of children in public parks, community centers, mosques and other faith-based settings, nurseries, refugee camps, and other locales. We serve diverse populations and communities irrespective of gender, religion, social status, disability, literacy level, educational experience, etc. The training is either implemented in face-to-face settings or via our online platform to allow reaching wider audience of people wanting to volunteer and become reading ambassadors.

The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA)

1. To act as a leading organisation and a global voice for the rights of those who face discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and/or sex characteristics (SOGIESC). 2. To work towards achieving equality, freedom and justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people through advocacy, collaborative actions, and by educating and informing relevant international and regional institutions as well as governments, media and civil society. 3. To empower our members and other human rights organisations in promoting and protecting human rights, irrespective of people's sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and/or sex characteristics and to facilitate cooperation and solidarity among ILGA regions and members. 4. To promote the diversity and strengths of persons of diverse SOGIESC around the world.