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Displaying 205–216 of 2,842


Zartonk-89 strives to support community development, help single parent, parentless and needy children, teenagers and youth to solve their educational, social, health, juridical problems, provide them with mental, physical development and life improvement.

Lifeline Energy

Lifeline Energy is a non-profit social enterprise that provides sustainable information and education access to vulnerable populations. We achieve this by designing, manufacturing and distributing solar and wind-up media players and radios for classroom and group listening. Since 1999, we have distributed more than 500,000 power independent radios to provide on-demand access to information and education, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. Over the years we have received numerous awards including the Tech Museum of Innovation Award, a World Bank Development Marketplace Award and an Index: Design to Improve Life Award. In addition, our founder and CEO Kristine Pearson was named one of TIME magazine's Heroes of the Environment for 2007 and received the James C. Morgan Global Humanitarian Award in 2005.

Perspektywy Education Foundation (Fundacja Edukacyjna Perspektywy)

"Perspektywya Education Foundation (Fundacja Edukacyjna aPerspektywya- in Polish) is an independent, non-profit national organization established June 1st, 1998 to promote and support education. It plays an important role on the domestic scene actively promoting quality of education, diversity and equality. The Board of Foundation consists of present and former rectors of Polish universities and other outstanding public figures interested in the development of higher education in Poland.

St. Nicholas' Home, Penang

Our vision is of a nation that is free of barriers, where blind & visually impaired persons are not discriminated against; to have the same rights and responsibilities, share equal opportunities & the quality of life that is available to their sighted peers. Our mission is to provide education, training & employment opportunities in a caring environment, thus empowering blind & visually impaired persons to fully participate in society while helping to promote the prevention of blindness.

Rafiki Ya Maisha

We founded Rafiki Ya Maisha to provide vocational training to unemployed young people & women in need, who have no secondary education nor access to trade schools in rural Western Kenya. This forgotten group of youths gets material assistance for acquiring life skills through our small college in Chepkanga. This village empowerment endeavor has components in conservation, health, culture, micro-finance, counseling, brick making. We are building a larger polytechnic center to serve Sergoit area.

Mountains of hope childrens ministries

Mission statement: Empowering communities who work to ensure that children growing up in poverty get good health and an excellent education. Founding principles: We efficiently respond to the urgent needs of orphans and vulnerable children and the communities they live in. We believe that education is one of the fundamentals of success. By paying for students' school fees and providing scholastic materials (ie. school uniforms), we increase the opportunity for educational achievement.

GRAACC - Support Group for Adolescents and Children with Cancer

GRAACC's mission is to guarantee that children and adolescents with cancer have the right to all the possibilities of cure with quality of life, using the most advanced scientific standard and minimum impact to the childhood experience.

Purple Feet Foundation

The Purple Feet Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization focused on getting students to think about their future. Each summer we host the thinc Program - a week-long residential experience for underserved middle school students from urban school districts.

Fins Attached Marine Research And Conservation

The mission of Fins Attached is to conduct research, promote conservation, and provide education for the protection of the marine ecosystem.   We believe in the preservation of our world's precious resources and that, through the protection of the oceans apex predators, marine ecosystem balance can be maintained for the benefit of all living things on earth.

Morning Star Foundation

Founded in 2010, MSF works in China, Uganda, and India. We provide lifesaving heart surgeries to; abandoned, orphaned, and children with families, who are born with severe heart disease. We focus on giving hope to those born with heart disease that is so severe that little hope is given.

Hubbs Sea World Research Institute

To return to the sea some measure of the benefits derived from it.

National Biodiesel Foundation

The Foundation works closely with the National Biodiesel Board to address national issues affecting us all -- cleaner air, greater economic development for rural communities, and enhanced national security through energy independence. Organized in 1994, our mission is to accomplish outreach, education, research and demonstration activities for the advancement of biodiesel.