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Established in 2006, The Foundation for Animal Care and Education (FACE) is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) public charity, whose mission is to enhance and preserve the quality of life of animals by providing access to necessary medical care and education. Based on established criteria, FACE provides financial grants through close to 200 veterinary partners for animal owners who are unable to partially or fully cover the cost of their pet's emergency or critical care.
Future of Music Coalition is a national nonprofit organization that works to ensure a diverse musical culture where artists flourish, are compensated fairly for their work, and where fans can find the music they want.
By raising public awareness, advancing science-based solutions and mobilizing decision-makers around ocean conservation, we are leading voices for a healthy ocean. SeaWeb was founded to address the lack of public engagement on ocean issues, and works to reverse this trend by enabling key decision-makers to better understand the complexities of important marine environmental problems. In addition, our social marketing techniques enable the marine conservation community to effectively communicate sound solutions to these problems - another vital aspect of our unique approach to solving critical conservation questions.
The mission of Lindsay Wildlife Experience is to connect people with wildlife to inspire responsibility and respect for the world we share. The museum was founded in 1955 by Alexander Lindsay, a local businessman, to teach children about natural sciences, particularly wildlife and their habitats. Over the years, the museum has developed a permanent collection of live, non-releasable native California wildlife and related artifacts. Lindsay is also a leader in the field of wildlife rehabilitation with a full veterinary staff and more than 500 volunteers. It is the first, and frequently only, resource for those who encounter injured, ill, or orphaned wildlife of all species, native mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles . During the recent drought years, Lindsay has treated record number of wild animals (more than 5,700 in the first 10 months of 2015). Begun in 1970, this formal wildlife rehabilitation program was the first of its kind in the United States.
CompUDopt was founded in 2007 with the belief that every child deserves equal access to education and opportunity. We realized that the life cycle of a computer in a corporate environment is typically less than three years. Usually sent to landfill or shelved, these lightly used tools can become a dream come true for a young learner ready to broaden their skills and knowledge, as well as an opportunity to demonstrate good environmental stewardship by our partner organizations. Our programs serve to eliminate limited access to computers by placing them directly in the homes of applicants, as well as fostering and supporting education for the youth of Texas. Each of our programs facilitates growth in technical and digital literacy skills, which are increasingly essential for success in education. In addition, students gain an understanding of the importance of education and the breadth of the impact technology has across industries including science, engineering, and many others.
Motivating the next generation of technical leaders through community outreach, education, and mentoring by software professionals with an emphasis on reaching more girls and underserved populations. We were founded in 2006 by Vic and Diane Wintriss.
Lumity provides teens and young adults from underserved communities with transformational experiences to prepare them for lifelong STEM careers.
The goal of this organization is to teach the youth about the ocean, how it affects our daily lives and how to respect it. It is also to explain the importance of sustainable fishing and how to practice it effectively. We do this by offering free fishing opportunities for underprivileged youth from title 1 schools. We want to help the new generation be able to make a positive impact on society and the environment and to teach them to spread their knowledge to those around them. We hope to inspire young people to practice these methods of sustainability on their own time and overall make the world a better place.
To drive patient-centered health outcomes by harnessing data collected by a global online community who share their treatment outcomes, enhanced by clinical evidence-based best practices
CodeCreate Technology Education at Resilience Partners provides dynamic and creative experiences for young people, educators and families, bringing innovative opportunities for learners to imagine, reflect, play and create! We empower learners through creative design experiences with everyday technology and the learner's own ideas: commands that students will retain every other time they see those tools across diverse areas of Chicago and several nations. CodeCreate guides participants in the creation and appreciation of intuitively based technology combined with artistic expressions, especially within basic circuitry, robotics and computer programming, media arts, illustration, 3D design and performing arts.
The purpose of the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center Foundation, Inc. is to support the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center's mission to inspire conservation of the marine environment through education, research and sustainable practices.Over 650,000 people from surrounding communities and around the world visit the Aquarium annually.