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To improve the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment.
Care for Children is a global children’s charity with a vision and mission to see children across the world moved out of orphanages and into local families. We provide specialised training and support to orphanages, enabling them to set-up and run their own foster care programmes, as a safe and positive alternative to institutional care. This means that local authorities can start moving children out of orphanages and into local, loving families, where each child can be nurtured to reach their potential.
GRACE Mission To foster social change through strengthening families and eradicating the vulnerabilities of human trafficking. GRACE Vision serves as the framework to accomplish the stated mission. Our vision is to see families rise above poverty and abolish human trafficking. We do this through: *Provision of a Family Resource Center providing a safe environment and educational enhancement programs for children *Provision of English Language Studies *Provision of nutritional support enhancing the growth and development *Provision of educational scholarships to mitigate school attrition rates *Provision of adult enrichment courses enhancing the educational, financial, and social skills of parents and guardians *Establishing and building relationships with families *Provision of venues of growth and development for antitrafficking workers; thus, promoting longevity *Establishing community partnerships to enhance effectiveness *Conducting Research to understand best practices in antitrafficking work
The Shelter’s mission is to lead and collaborate with the community to prevent, protect and prevail over domestic violence and human trafficking.
Global Grassroots is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our mission is to catalyze women and girls as leaders of conscious social change in their communities. Global Grassroots' work is guided by four core values that form our theory of change: 1. Deepening personal consciousness and contributing towards the common good are both essential to social change. 2. One of the most effective levers of social change is a woman with the capability, resources, power, courage and inner commitment to initiate positive change for herself and others. 3. Sustaining and accelerating conscious social change requires investment in supporting civil society architecture. 4. Mind-body trauma healing plus the opportunity for women to form groups and create community-based organizations to advance social change represents the most effective and holistic approach towards individual and community healing during post-conflict reconstruction. Our long-term vision is that vulnerable women will have the capacity and resources to lead conscious social change, sustained by their own communities.
NWCAVE helps to inform, educate and prevent violence and exploitation against women and children nationally and internationally. Whether human trafficking, domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual violence, stalking, bullying, hate crimes and all other forms of violence and exploitation against women and children, NWCAVE strives to keep the public informed and educated on how we can live in a more civilized society free of violence. Learn more by clicking
The First Amendment Foundation believes that government openness and transparency is critical to citizen trust and involvement in our democratic society – without Government in the Sunshine, civic engagement cannot bloom. Through ongoing monitoring of the state’s public records and open meetings laws, and the education of government officials and the citizens they serve about those laws, the Foundation promotes the public’s constitutional right to oversee and to participate in the governance process.
Valley Haven is a Non-Profit Emergency Children's Shelter, located in Harlingen, Texas, for the children that have been removed from their home by Child Protective Services due to abuse and neglect.Children ages 0-17 years of age, male and female, from not only our surrounding counties, but the state of Texas as well, will temporarily reside at Valley Haven until appropriate placement has been located.At Valley Haven, our goal is to stop the cycle of abuse so abused children can heal and not pass on to their children the abuse they received from their parents.By showing and teaching appropriate ways to trust and love each other, the children at Valley Haven will feel safe, begin to heal, and look at their future in a positive way. Our children deserve the chance to grow into loving, caring, and happy adults.Valley Haven's mission is to protect, guide, and nurture abused and neglected children by providing them a safe and loving home!
The Alessandra Foundation has established two distinct approaches to address the numerous issues surrounding Domestic Violence. They are: Education/Public Awareness and Public Advocacy Education and Public Awareness Bringing awareness of domestic violence to the public through educational programs
The mission of SafeHaven is to end domestic violence through safety, support, prevention, and social change.
Relief Nursery prevents the cycle of child abuse and neglect through early intervention that focuses on building successful and resilient children, strengthening parents, and preserving families.
The National Women's Law Center has worked for more than 45 years to expand, protect, and promote opportunity and advancement for women and girls at every stage of their lives - from education to employment to retirement security to health care and everything in between. The Center's research, analysis, and advocacy take place when legislatures are enacting or amending laws, the executive branch and its agencies are writing regulations or otherwise enforcing laws and policies, and the courts are reviewing relevant cases. The Center has succeeded in getting new laws on the books and enforced, litigating ground-breaking cases all the way to the Supreme Court and educating the public about ways to make laws and public policies work for women and their families.