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Displaying 289–300 of 21,088

General incorporated Association S.C.P. Japan

1. Explore the potential of sport for empowerment. 2. Promote an inclusive society through sport. 3. Develop young practitioners who can use sport for social inclusion.

Child And Space Association

We keep discovering the beauty of diversity, we perceive it as a surprise, we see its uniqueness as important and seek to open up a space for development. We are here to strengthen the wellbeing of children and young people in Bulgaria who are in a situation of vulnerability in respect to the fields of health, education and social inclusion. We are here to assist and accompany the professionals who work directly with children experiencing mental suffering.

Fundacja Dobrych Inicjatyw

Our main goal is to improve the quality of life of children from orphanages and to prepare them for life after leaving the orphanage. We focus on developing what tools and working methods so that they can be implemented in every orphanage in Poland in the next few years.

ETERNALS Charitable Foundation

To plant trees and educate children for achieving community sustainable development.

Fundacion Andres- Bello

Provide the necessary care and support for people with disabilities in a state of vulnerability, focused on preventive dental care, as well as on the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of oral and maxillofacial pathologies of children, youth, adolescents and adults with limitations, to improve their quality of life, and integration social. Brindar la atencion y el apoyo necesario para personas con discapacidad en estado de vulnerabilidad, enfocados en la asistencia odontologica preventiva, asi como tambien en el diagnostico, tratamiento y seguimiento de patologias bucales y maxilofaciales de ninos, jovenes , adolescentes y adultos con limitaciones, para mejorar su calidad de vida, e integracion social.

Asociacion Civil Salud Darnos

Our mission is to develop educational and participatory actions that promote the incorporation of healthy habits in the field of oral health, proposing different perspectives on the relationship that people have with health.


Raise community awareness to overcome stigma and prejudice. Disseminate correct information to promote prevention and orientation towards treatment. Supporting people suffering from mental health disorders and their families in the process of recovering well-being and fullness of life.

Organizacion Nacional de Trasplante de Venezuela ONTV

Give hope to life expectancy by facilitating organ donation and transplantation in Venezuela

Les Hijabeuses

This association aims at promoting access to sport, to act against all forms of discrimination, open spaces for reflection and discussion on the issue of access to sport, health and the fight against discrimination in sports. Thus, this association aims to promote education through sport, inform and act on the defense of rights related to the practice of sport.

Kek Vonal Gyermekkrizis Alapitvany

We work for the rights and well-being of children. Our belief is that children need to be heard and helped in times of trouble. Adults responsible for them need to be supported so that they are capable of doing so. Children and concerned adults can reach us 24/7 via our helpline, chat room, and email services. We talk to children and adolescents who want to share their stories with us. If they are in trouble we organize help for them. Through our prevention program we are present in schools, and we pay special attention to the safe use of the internet for children.


The purpose of the Foundation is to raise public awareness by making distributions, granting other economic advantages or support individuals or organizations acting for the common good in the fields of environmental protection, science, culture and the arts. Distributions are to be made on case by case decisions and in a discretionary manner by the foundation board The foundation shall support organizations and projects which comply with its purposes as they are defined hereinabove. In particular, at present, such projects may refer specifically to the following activities: Cleaning-up and preservation of the oceans Protection of glaciers and polar zones Protection of endangered animal and plant species or species that are likely to be classified as endangered in the future Preservation of natural ecosystems, natural land, rivers and seas worldwide Promotion of sustainable development all around the globe Commitment to the development of renewable energy sources Spreading people's consciousness in regard to our planet's finite resources and their permanent destruction by man Other projects or missions may be added to the Foundation's activities anytime in the future. The Foundation shall be authorized to enter into all transactions for the purpose of and in accordance with its purpose. The charitable purpose of the Foundation is exclusive and irrevocable.

Nevypust Dusi, z. s.

At Nevypust dusi, we've been talking about mental health since 2016, showing you how to take care of it and where to get help when you need it. We believe in the power of prevention and bring it in the form of interactive workshops to male and female high school and university students, second grade teachers at primary and secondary schools, and employees of companies and organizations. We focus on psychohygiene, stress management, prevention of mental illness and provide practical tips for everyday life and information about available services. We believe that mental health is just as important as physical health. That's why we strive for a world where no one is afraid to ask for help, mental illness is not stigmatized, and conversations about mental health are a normal part of life. Our team includes students and graduates from disciplines such as psychology, social work and medicine, including young people with experience of mental illness.