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Go Conscious Earth protects African rainforests and the animals that live there by partnering with indigenous communities to eliminate extreme poverty and cultivate sustainable practices. We have conserved one million acres of rainforest and provided clean water to over 10,000 people so far! We have asked the communities there what they need and we are working with them to make that happen - simple projects that work, starting with clean water.
Valley of the Kings sanctuary and retreat provides a home for abused, abandoned, retired and injured large felids, exotics, and domestic non-human animals. We give the best available diet, housing, veterinary care and positive human interaction. Valley of the Kings educates the general public concerning the bond between human and non-human animals in the natural world. We teach that private or commercial ownership, hunting for profit or sport and the destruction of natural habitat will mean eventual extinction for these creatures. Lastly, we believe that when we remove animals from the wild, we take their freedom and wildness, the essence of their being.
Victoria Falls Wildlife Trust mission is to advance and promote environmental conservation in Southern Africa through hands on wildlife research, management of a wildlife, veterinary diagnostic laboratory and rehabilitation facility; the education and empowerment of local peoples in the sustainable utilization of indigenous resources through active involvement in conservation training and community outreach programs.
The Busch Wildlife Sanctuary is a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection and conservation of Florida’s wildlife and natural resources. To accomplish this goal the Sanctuary has a two fold mission of wildlife rehabilitation and environmental education.
Thoroughbred Placement Resources, Inc. improves the lives of Thoroughbred racehorses, both active and retired by providing training and rehabilitation while educating the public through the development of Breed Ambassadors.
To advance knowledge and stewardship of freshwater systems through global research, education, and restoration
The National Marine Life Center rehabilitates and releases stranded marine mammals and sea turtles in order to advance science and education in marine wildlife health and conservation.
The Philadelphia Zoo, America's first zoo, is dedicated to its mission of conservation, science, education, and recreation. The core purpose is to advance discovery, understanding, and stewardship of the natural world through compelling exhibition and interpretation of living animals and plants. As an educational and recreational resource, the Zoo serves over 1.2 million people every year. It also provides special educational programs for over 560,000 children, teachers, and other adults. With the Zoo's broad reach and diverse constituency, the Zoo's mix of visitors mirrors the diversity of the local community.
An international tax-exempt, non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of the Purple Martin (Progne subis) species of bird through scientific research, state-of-the-art wildlife management techniques, and public education. The PMCA's scientific staff conducts research on all aspects of martin biology throughout the bird's North, South, and Middle American breeding, wintering, and migratory ranges. The organization functions as a centralized data-gathering and information source on the species, serving both the scientist and the martin enthusiast. Its major mission is educating martin enthusiasts in the proper techniques for managing this human-dependent species.
Their mission is to support conservation in the Lake Erie marshes by increasing the awareness and capability of Ohio's only national wildlife refuge complex.
The mission of the Wolf Conservation Center is to advance the survival of wolves by inspiring a global community through education, advocacy, research, and recovery We are driven by our values of respect, community, and passion. Respect - We respect wolves, their complex ecological role, the landscapes they shape, the people who care about them, and the people who live among them. Community - We are inspired by the pack. We bring people together, we nurture, we educate, we aid, we protect, we organize, and we defend. We are always stronger together. Passion - We have a passion for wolves, for the landscapes we share, and for the work of protecting them. Our passion drives us to learn, see the big picture, and be diligent and tenacious in the long-term work of saving wolves.
The mission of Lindsay Wildlife Experience is to connect people with wildlife to inspire responsibility and respect for the world we share. The museum was founded in 1955 by Alexander Lindsay, a local businessman, to teach children about natural sciences, particularly wildlife and their habitats. Over the years, the museum has developed a permanent collection of live, non-releasable native California wildlife and related artifacts. Lindsay is also a leader in the field of wildlife rehabilitation with a full veterinary staff and more than 500 volunteers. It is the first, and frequently only, resource for those who encounter injured, ill, or orphaned wildlife of all species, native mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles . During the recent drought years, Lindsay has treated record number of wild animals (more than 5,700 in the first 10 months of 2015). Begun in 1970, this formal wildlife rehabilitation program was the first of its kind in the United States.