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Kayt Educational-Cultural NGO

25 apt. 8 Mazmanyan,
Business address 134/1 Tsarav Aghbyur, 0052 Yerevan, Armenia
Yerevan 0088,

| EIN: 30-0108263-7302

Our Mission

Kayt Educational-Cultural NGO strives for the proportionate cultural development of Armenian communities, where: - art education and culture are accessible in all regions of Armenia regardless of the distance from the capital city and the socioeconomic circumstances, - communities have the opportunity for an active participatory cultural life, based on cultural traditions, feasts, rituals of the community, that way strengthening the connection with the community and displaying their community identity, in particular their feeling of belonging to their communities and social responsibility, - communities are culturally self-sufficient by having the opportunity to discover and realize their own potential, using their own cultural potential for socio-economic development.

One of the most important preconditions for the development of any country is to ensure balanced development of all its regions, not only in terms of economic infrastructures, but also, in particular, the educational opportunities for the individual, the community, and the platforms for their realization. The regions and communities in Armenia are highly unequally developed in terms of access to art education and cultural life. For example, what creative/art classes the child will attend does not depend on the child's interest or talent, but on what is available in the community. In most communities, it is not even possible to attend any. In addition to access to art education, remote communities also face isolation from cultural events. The community members have limited opportunities, in some cases, they do not have any live interaction with culture and contact with the artists, which is an irreplaceable experience for the development of a person's aesthetic perceptions and creativity, formation of the attitude towards art, as well as a worldview. Besides limiting a person's ability to develop, cultural isolation affects the quality of community life, leading to the loss of unique cultural traditions of the community. Limited possibilities for the cultural life and lack of educational-cultural entertainment cause people to imagine and build their lives in communities with greater opportunities, therefore this closed chain of isolation is not being broken. Moreover, people leave their communities; as a result, they lose community identity and thus reduce the development potential and opportunity of the community. Every community has unlimited potential, and first of all, it is human potential. It is crucial to create space for discovering and realizing that potential. Culture allows us to best recognize the strengths of a person, to develop creativity, thus opening up an opportunity to find and implement innovative solutions to community problems. The community itself should have its own unique cultural policy, taking into account the context and priorities, the features and traditions of the community. On the other hand, any branch of art can be transformed into a social enterprise, ensuring the cultural, socio-economic self-sufficiency and development of the community. Kayt has successful experience in such programs in Movses, Khachik, Goris. The discovery and revitalization of the community's way of life, traditional rituals, and holidays will increase the community's touristic attractiveness, ensuring the community's recognition and socio-economic activation.

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