Pledge to make a difference, together.

Turistichesko druzhestvo Boeritsa

Vladaya, Voynishko vastanie 61,
1641 Sofia,

| EIN: 30-0108263-5812

Our Mission

Turistichesko druzhestvo Boeritsa was founded in 2011 in Vladaya - a village near Sofia by local mountain rescuers and tourists. Our mission is to aid the local community by continuously engaging people in outdoor activities, voluntary work and charity. Our purpose is to help develop Vitosha mountain in many aspects and create longterm, sustainable connection between the people of Sofia and their home mountain. We aim to popularize, promote and develop various forms of mountain practice, hiking, skiing, bike tourism, water sports, speleology, orientation and mountaineering. We want to provide opportunities for young people to acquaint themselves nature and build habits for environmentally friendly and ecological communication with the mountain.

Our Impact

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